Friday, October 27, 2006

Little Liar

Okay so I fibbed a little earlier...I didn't exactly go straight into study mode after I made my last entry...I was doing laundry (which has gone up to £2 a wash and 50p per 30 mins to dry....bah humbug!) and I wasn't really in the mood for some heavy going study.

I did however go to the gym for an hour and a half session (I expect a round of applause) and, get this, walked up the stairs once I got back to Mercury point...That'ss 13 floors people!!!

Here's to a night vegged in front of the TV while every muscle in my body seizes into something resembling a stick of toffee left in the fridge/freezer! ( and I may accost young Josh for the volumes of Stargate: Atlantis I know he has in his room)

P.S. The Price is Right is on ITV 1...When the heck did they bring that back....I must say Joe Pasquale is a genius choice for presenter.

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