Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Oops I've Been Slacking

Okay, so I know it's been a while, just over a week since my last posting to be exact. But then again I've had a hectic one.

I had lectures and filming early last week then I found I had to come home a couple of days earlier than predicted because my old man had to go in for surgery and wouldn't be able to pick up me, or more accurately all my junk. So I was way busy trying to get the reading which I needed for over Easter, packing and squeezing in a couples of sessions at the gym.

So anyway I'm home...Back to my little place in the sun, and what a lush few days we've had down here in Bognor....sunniest place in the UK I'll have you know, so suck on that Miami!!

The best thing about being back, well I haven't had the chance to catch up with friends yet so this at the mo is top, and that's Sky TV people, oh and a Limewire connection which doesn't take a millennia to download.

I've certainly been making the most of the latter in the last few days, I hate to wait for stuff, especially when said stuff is excellent dramas such as prison Break or Navy: NCIS so I've pretty much downloaded the lot. My poor computer is showing me what it's made of that's for sure....Now if it could only download a life sizedWentworth Miller or Jensen Ackles ;-)

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