Saturday, January 03, 2009

New Year, New Doctor

This is the face of the new Doctor...

A 26 year old relative unknown which is bound to cause some controversy and upset amongst the die hard fans of the series, and those of David Tennant also I'd wager.....I'm more interested in what the actor is going to bring to the role, half of the excitement of the regeneration is how the new invisionment is played....the look....the Captain Jack will react.....And of course there's the other question of who is to play the next companion, personally I'd like to see a fella for a change.....Russell Tovey....

Who's an amazing actor, already appeared in an earlier Christmas special and cheekily cute, would be my first choice....but then I'm not in charge I am, phufft....the stories I could tell.


Firefly Mom said...

Yeah - I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. Still not happy about David Tennant leaving, so I'd probably be unhappy with any choice right now. I guess I'll just have to wait and see how I like him. As to the sidekick, I wouldn't mind seeing a guy, either. It would change things up a bit.

Anonymous said...

I can't see controversy. A male companion who was an equal would be very good. I'm bored with The Doctor being the know it all and the companion being a sometimes useful tag-along. A partnership would be an interesting change.

Emma said...

Firefly mom - I know how you feel, loved David Tennants performance and am going to miss him in the roll, hopefully he won't be missing from our screens for too long.

Clogs - The Doctor used to have more than one companion back in the day and so there used to be a fella...and Captain Jack anyone