Friday, April 11, 2008

....But They Don't Fall Down

I managed a jaunt into town and back today, without the need for stabilisers, hazard lights or an emergency crew on stand by.....okay so I chose to amble rather than my usual brisk walk, but that was mainly because I felt the need to observe spatial awareness towards those pesky little critters who seem to throw obstacles into my path when I least expect know the ones I mean....your walking along a perfectly straight and flat piece of carpet/pavement/grass when all of a sudden you catch your foot on an ridge or divot which, upon closer inspection, has mysteriously disappeared causing those around you to believe you're a.) wearing shoes from 'Clowns footwear 'R' Us' and b.) are ever so slightly mad due to the meticulous nose to ground inspection of the area muttering about the 'Stumble Sprites'.

So yay me for mastering the ability to weeks activities include: eating with a fork AND a knife, reading something other than the comics in the newspaper, using oven gloves to remove cooked food from the oven and learning the distinction between actual food, which constitutes dinner, and a packet of crisps.


Firefly Mom said...

Well done you! And without any bubble wrap, even ;)

And yes, I know what you mean about those strange bumps that seem to disappear immediately after you've tripped on them. Or how about the large boulders that you fall over, but when you turn around to look at them they've shrunk to the size of a pea? Those get me every darn time. Almost as bad as the fly who buzzes incessantly around your head while you swat at it repeatedly, only to find EVERYONE ELSE in the room staring at you like you've lost you mind because it is a fly who apparently has a stealth mode and can only be seen by you.

So hears to you and mastering walking! Maybe you could add walking and chewing gum at the same time to you list of next week's activities (I'm still trying to master that one ;)

Emma said...

Thank You....and I thought it was just me with the swatting the 'invisible' fly.

managed the walking whilst gum chewing trick somewhen in my teens...though that is also about the time i also learned that people who wear glasses should not eat bubble gum which produce extra large bubbles!

Firefly Mom said...

I didn't have the "bubble gum and glasses" problem, I had the "bubble gum and long bangs" problem. And it only took one time of my mother butchering my bangs with her fabric shears to teach me never to do *that* again!

Emma said...

I hear that....when I was ickle and trying to impress classmates with my comedic skills I decided to put the modelling plasticine to better use by putting a wad on my forehead and doing a funny my friends glee that stuff became tangled in my fringe to the point that the school nurse had to cut away an inch or so of hair, leaving me with a prominent gap to explain to my mother.....and I'd like to say I was never that stupid again but.....