Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Bognor Girl Back from Birmingham

Just checking in, I haven't disappeared into the ethers of cyberspace and have survived both of my recent journeys to London and Birmingham, although I have sore feet from all the queuing and sore ribs from all the laughing and I ache in places I never knew had muscles...damn those cardio work outs cunningly disguised as convention dances. 

Then there's the P.C.C and P.C.L to take into account...what do you mean 'huh?'...the Post Con Crash and Post Con Lurgy of course, which usually involves feeling the need to sleep for a month, flashbacks which cause outbreaks of manical chuckles and a strange sense of dread when your bank statement arrives and is accompanied by the worse cold/flu symptoms which inable your ability to function as a proper human being for the next couple of  weeks.

It'll be a little while for me to process the events into some kind of readable report with images and various added observations and sarcasm (Blog writers prerogative) and my trusty lap top has decided to start playing silly buggers...no doubt due to it being a.) over 4 years old and b.) in constant use throughout that period which is why it's decided to now spit the dummy.  So, bare with me and I'll try to start sharing the happy this week...while I also start planning for the next Convention... 'Hello, my name is Emma and I'm a Con addict'


Firefly Mom said...

OK, so those of us who are conning vicariously through you shall remain patient for a little while longer.

Emphasis on the "little"... ;D

Emma said...

I'm getting there...it's a real pain in the butt that I can't upload pics through my laptop at the moment so I have to sort out and edit everything through my parents PC...old school much. Hopefully the first of the con reports shoiuld go up tomorrow :D