Sunday, January 01, 2012 it me you're looking for...

 *Blows dust of Blog*....Ahem....*room echoes* If there is indeed anyone still in the vicinity, this Blog is now officially functional again.  I would like to say I have been immensely busy and super popular, to the point that spending anytime processing and writing down events was deemed impossible for the human form...I'd like to say that, but it would be a big fat indulgent lie. 

It's not that I haven't done anything, in fact there are a few new ventures in which I am partaking, and some very memorable events which have occurred...I intend to fill in these gaps in my existence soon, in glorious tecnicolor even, but for now, just is a picture of a gingerbread house.


Firefly Mom said...

OMG! OMG!! *nearly falls off of chair* I was beginning to think that maybe your fingers had all been broken in some horrible accident, and that you were finding typing with your tongue too difficult to accomplish. Let me be the first to officially welcome you back to blog-land, especially since you had pinky sweared with me way, way, waaaay back in September to start back up again. (You didn't think you'd get off without some kind of crap being flung your way, did you?)

And as I am going sugar free this entire month (ack!) I find your inclusion of the gingerbread house photo to be a little cruel. Touche, my friend.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back. I was worried your blog postings over the years had continued there exponential decline to zero and nearly open the box to check on the cat.

Emma said...

Why thank you, I had assumed folk weren't interested in my musings and with the rotten summer weather we had last year I'm afraid there was zero adventures into the countryside for me to divulge. As for the sugar-free month, good luck with that, you are me dear a braver person than I ;-) I made the Gingerbread house, my first attempt, for Christmas...we are still eating the darn thing! next stop the gym!

More posts to come once I have sorted a few photos out...