Anyhoo, hope everyone had a trouble free holiday and was granted their most desired (or at least close second) by Father Christmas. I have once again plenty of hours of DVD watching in my not too distant future and may gaze upon Bradley James and Colin Morgan daily for the next year, so a happy bunny here.
Poor father fared not so well, the majority of my family had been fighting various colds/flu/sniffles the week preceeding Christmas and although my dear 'ol dad had thought he was over the worst, his symptoms decided to ensure he spent much of the 24th & 25th in bed...poor chap managed only to socialise long enough for a little dinner, present opening and the long awaited Doctor Who on the box before returning to bed....Doctor Who, fyi, was aptly entertaining, dark and manic...though at least 30% of the episode was David Tennant running, and a big yay for Bernard Cribbins....funny, sombre, child-like and with a touch of the mysterious, can't wait for End of Time part 2.
Last week, as I mentioned, even my usually sheltered corner was blasted with arctic conditions, in the town its settling was unforntunately brief and twas not enough to engaged in child-like endevours. My father however was upon the downs chasing pheasants and had his phone handy to deliver me some idyillic photos...these would have been on my blog much earlier had my father not been so technologically foppish and instead of taking actual pictures had instead been taking actual 2 second long videos...sheesh...which left me to figure out how to convert the file and generate an actual screenshot pictures....anyhoo..."ooh" and "ahh" at the English Countryside in Winter: