Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Credit Crumble....Lemon Flavour

Right, well, as some may be aware around a week and a half ago I pulled a muscle in my back while at work and have since been taking things easy....much DVD watching and moderate exercise taking. There had been a bubbling concern about funds since I'm earning pennies above the minimum wage and due to some dubious Co-op regulations I'm not entitled to sick pay.....And so, after a week, I popped some painkillers and ventured back to the workplace....

In a matter of two hours I was in agony...the choices of work being standing on till or stacking shelves....and my normal 10 minute walk home that night took 25 at a the drizzle....and a box of tissues later I made the decision that more healing is needed....this however creates a snowball effect....more time off means little poundage in the pay packet (if any), since money was already extremely tight (in the whole "trying to be independent" thing) anything under a full pay cheque means rent fulfillment becomes problematic....and so, considering the prognosis for the back is 3-4 weeks of what they call 'active healing' (ie not completely on your arse all day but nothing to strenuous or for long periods in terms of activity) I've had to inform work as well as my landlady, that I'm handing in my notice....fortunately my parents haven't yet turned my old bedroom into a gym/study/guest room etc so I'll be Bognor bound ( in every sense of the word) for the immediate future.

Now, I become a a time when unemployment has hit an all time high, not exactly where I thought I'd be at age 29, with a degree I can't use.....utterly pathetic.


Firefly Mom said...

I'm so sorry! For your back, having to move back home, giving up green-eyed guy. Are there any more employment opportunities near your parent's house?

Here's hoping your back heals quickly, you're back to being independent soon, and heck, while we're at it, that you find a Jensen Ackles look-alike to sweep you off your feet :D

Kimberly said...

Don't they have workman's compensation in England? If you get hurt at work here in USA, the company pays for your medical and a % of your salary.

I hope the move back home goes well. Please take it slow and easy for a good and healthy back. Back problems will follow you through life, if they are not given time to heal properly.

Get well soon!!

Emma said...

Thanks peeps...

Firefly mom - Not much in the way of jobs since Bognor's a much smaller town and with unemployment up so much at the moment it's going to be a struggle...and no more green eyed guy is going to be the worst, have lived in Bognor my whole life and have never seen such a specimen in the local area.

Kim - there's apparently a loophole which makes me exempt from any company pay outs and the government comp is seriously lacking in the reality which is rent payments and the current cost of living.....

Oh well, maybe now i'll write that award winning best seller which has been flitting round my head for ages

Anonymous said...

You need to consult an organisation such as Citizens Advice. Why resign? You injured your back at work. There are no Health and Safety loopholes. Gight them, this is exactly what employers want, people resigning and the problem disappearing.
You owe it to yourself and the next person in your job to fight it. Start by getting (free) legal advice about it, and maybe a friend writing a letter to the local paper where the coop is based.

Emma said...

Thanks for the thoughts Ian....I actually contacted the C.A.B in the first week, but as no-one was really in fault ie, I've had training on how to lift things, wasn't using faulty equipment etc co-op don't have an obligation....I'm entitled to stat sick pay, but it's not enough to cover my rent and due to an admin error last week it wasn't even's annoying and problematic, but maybe it's the kick in the ass I need to progress to a better paid job with more sociable hours....fingers crossed.